Exploring - Scouting's Workforce Development Program JULY 2022
| Post Advisor shares passion for Aviation |
This month’s newsletter features Bruce Ziegler, the Post Advisor for the City of Findlay Airport – Aviation Post. He has actively been serving as the Post advisor since the 2018-19 academic school year and is now going into his fifth year with the Post. Since the Post’s inception, Bruce has been a vital part of the Post’s success and has helped numerous students and Explorers discover their passion of aviation. Bruce’s inspiration behind getting involved with the Post spans from years of interest in airplanes. |
Bruce has more than 40 years of experience flying, receiving his private pilot license in 1980. To date, Bruce has over 2,000 hours of flying time and has earned his instrument rating. Bruce explained the Exploring program has a tremendous impact on the youth who engage and learn about different career fields. “Exploring allows youth to experience what different careers exist within the aviation industry,” he said. “Additionally, it allows them to find out what the job entails aside from the academic side through hands on experience, and they are able to learn what the day-to-day is like outside of the classroom setting. This will ultimately save the student time and money by discovering what they may or may not like during the Exploring experience.”
|  | Bruce believes it is important for youth to know more about the aviation industry because “there are other professions within aviation other than being a pilot. There are many different areas such as air traffic control, aeronautical engineering, avionics, and others that students can learn and partake in.” He believes students can make an impact within the field in various ways other than flying.
Bruce has had many valuable experiences serving as the Post Advisor. Throughout the school year, students can tour places like the Bowling Green State University flight department, or the Marathon Petroleum Corporate hanger. His favorite experience was when he got to fly with an Explorer who had never been on a plane before. The Explorer had the opportunity to take over the controls in the sky and navigate the plane, discover landmarks, and fly over his home. Meaningful experiences such as these make the Exploring program that much more valuable for Bruce as he gets to help youth experience new things through sharing has passion with others. Bruce is a retired Marathon Petroleum Corporation employee, and during his free time he plans to continue educating the youth about the aviation industry. The City of Findlay Airport – Aviation Post will resume meeting in September for the 2022-23 school year. |