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CyberSwamp Virtual Program
Greetings from CyberSwamp!
Thank you for choosing Camp Berry & Camp Lakota, both operated by the Black Swamp Area Council for your 2020 virtual summer camping experience we are affectionately calling “CyberSwamp”.
It is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to experience this "virtual" Camp in the outdoors as much as possible. If your local regulations allow and you can do so safely, we want everyone to CAMP outside the entire week. Get out and camp in your back yard...or however you can… just GET OUTDOORS! Find information guides and registration info here!
Scouts BSA Mini Sessions
Mini-Sessions are a 3-day, 2-night program, and will be offered at both Berry & Lakota. In this format, all participants will stay within their own “circle” and travel together throughout their time on camp. All the Scouts AND adults will participate in a round robin program schedule. Plenty of time will be set aside throughout the daily schedule for sanitation of program areas and equipment between uses. Scouts will also be required to wash hands, and follow social distancing protocols outside of their circle. Find information guides and registration info here!
Membership Recruitment Resources
View the 2020 membership leader guide to ensure your unit has as successful recruitment season. One key item we want all units to do is update their BeAScout pins. In a work-at-home environment, online registration and communication is essential to ensure a successful recruitment...[Read more]
Cub Scout virtual Den Meeting programming online
Cub Scout Virtual Den Meetings designed to help families continue to learn, grow and explore on their Scouting Adventure...[Read more]
Important BSA Health Form Update
We understand that physical exams may be difficult to obtain in some parts of the country because of COVID-19. We also realize that this may present a hardship for some participants that typically schedule their physical exams prior to the camping season...[Read more]
New Health Form is Here!
A revised version of the Annual Health & Medical Record form was being released in December 2019. This new form replaces all previous versions. Please be sure that if your unit has extra copies of the old form, that they need to be disposed of. To find the new health form, click here.
Scoutbook introduces a faster way to track your Scout’s progress
Recording service hours and camping nights just got easier. The Scoutbook team has introduced Activity Logs.
Scoutbook, the Boy Scouts of America’s online tool for tracking Scouting advancement, is continuously improving, adding more features to help you save time, stay connected and enhance your Scouting experience...[Read more]
Outdoor Activity Award and Summertime Pack Award COVID-19 Guidance
For the outdoor activity award and summertime pack award, packs and dens should do their best to meet the intent of the awards. Put simply, "Do Your Best". If an activity that is required (such as day camp or resident camp) is not possible to take part in due to the COVID-19 pandemic, packs can utilize an alternative option of their choosing. Units should continue follow any restrictions outlined by your state and local health department or other local officials regarding gatherings etc.
AmazonSmile helps Black Swamp Area Council
With AmazonSmile, Black Swamp Area Council can benefit from your purchases online...[Read more]
How to Conduct Unit Meetings Virtually
There are many resources available to our units to help bring unit meetings into our families' homes...[Read more]
Cyber Chip Program, Honor Roll Recognition for Local Scouts
With the current focus of moving online for learning opportunities, make sure you and your Scout are familiar with online safety. Cyber Chip is a must-do Scouting tool for all. Topics include cyber bullying, cell phone use, texting, blogging, gaming, and identity theft...[Read more]
Expeditions: High Adventure News
See the high adventure base news from the Boy Scouts of America...[Read more]
Safety Moment
Communicable Disease Prevention Reminder
With news of Coronavirus (COVID-19) around the globe, now is a good time to review some safety info. We’ve all caught some kind of infection, or sickness, from someone else. These illnesses are known as communicable or contagious diseases because they are spread from one person to another...[Read more]