Cub Scout Advancement & Awards
Cub Scouts do fun things with other kids! They get to wear a cool uniform, go places, and see things. They play all kinds of sports and build things, like race cars and bird houses. Want to learn a secret code? Want to learn about wild animals? Go Cub Scouting!
In Cub Scouting you'll have lots of fun, adventure, and activities with your den and pack. But there's more to it than that. Being a Cub Scout means you are a member of a worldwide youth movement that stands for certain values and beliefs. Cub Scouting is more than something to do. It's all about the boy you are and the person you will become.

On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he goes. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older. For more information on advancement, visit
Addendums to the Cub Scout Rank Advancements (effective December 2016):

Cub Scouts have the opportunity to earn both required and elective recognition devices as they work toward their ranks. They also can earn recognition for additional elective adventures they choose to complete beyond those required for their rank. Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Scouts earn adventure loops to be worn on their belt, and Webelos Scouts earn pins they can wear on their Webelos colors or Webelos cap.
Adventure loops and pins are a great way to help fulfill the aims of Scouting—build character, develop citizenship, and encourage mental and physical fitness. Through a variety of subjects, you can stretch your mind and abilities by exploring the wonders of science, learning about the world, and expanding skills in new area.
This is a chance to try something new, do your best, and earn recognition all at the same time. For more information about the adventure loops and pins, see
Besides the advancement awards and the adventure loops and pins, Cub Scouts may earn other individual awards.
Just as Cub Scouts can earn individual awards for themselves, they can also work together to earn awards for their whole den or their pack. Getting together to work on these awards is a great way to practice teamwork and to show every Cub Scout how important he is as a member of his den or pack.
For additional information, contact your District Advancement Chair.