Recruitment training highlights traditional Fall Kickoffs
Chinquapin date scheduled for July 30
Popcorn Kickoffs Are Separate Events with interactive sessions
Fall Product Sale informational sessions are separate this year and have their own dates for leaders to learn about the Fall product sale.
Popcorn sessions are:
- July 30, at Lima Scout Office, 6:30-8 pm
- Aug. 1, at Camp Lakota, 6:30-8 pm
- Aug. 3 at Camp Berry, 9-10L30 am
There are great incentives for selling and showing up for these important interactive informational sessions.
The Fall Product Sale is a great way to raise dollars for your unit's program needs and help Scouts gain confidence in salesmanship and communicating with others.
For the latest about the Popcorn Sale, CLICK HERE!
Unit leaders, parents and Scouts are welcome to attend any of these Popcorn sessions.
To commit your unit to receiving information on this year's sale and qualify for an additional 1% commission sign-up today, click here.
The traditional annual kickoff this year see's Membership Training taking the spotlight. Additionally, there will be tips and information shared related to recruiting volunteers, habits of successful units, and tips to conducting a dynamic sign-up night for new Scouts.
Leaders can attend any of the district sessions to learn how to make a difference and win at the game of recruiting. This training is geared toward both Packs and Troops, with the aim to help each grow their units. PLEASE NOTE as of July 11 Chinquapin District has scheduled its only Fall Kickoff for July 30.
Thursday, July 18, Arrowwood at Camp Berry, 7 p.m. Pre-register & see additional details here.
(new date) Thursday, July 30, Chinquapin at St. John Lutheran Church, 655 Wayne Ave., Defiance, beginning at 7 p.m. This is a new meeting location, updated on 7/11/24. The July 25 & 31 meetings for the district have been cancelled.
Thursday, Aug. 8, Great Oaks, at Lima Scout Office, 6:30 p.m., with a pot-luck carry-in for anyone interested in participating, with a 7 p.m. kickoff.
Tuesday, Aug. 13, Old Sycamore, at Celina Purple Door Church, 6:30 p.m., with a tasty Dutch-oven cobbler cookoff for anyone interested in participating.
What to Expect
The plan is to give each unit flyers featuring upcoming events from across council.
The feature part of the evening is aimed to assist units in growing stronger. From successful national recruitment and unit service resources, we have assembled ease-to-follow plans and we are looking forward to sharing the information with you.
Topics at this time planned to be discussed in the training session are:
- Dynamic Recruitment
- With individual info for Packs & Troops
- Unit Recruiting Resource Guide
- A guide to successful recruiting for?? Packs & Troops
- How to Recruit Volunteers
- Tips, suggestions & best practices to help grow your unit leadership
- Habits of a Successful Pack/Troop
- Help keep your unit thriving into the future
There are door-prizes and giveaways for each district. Also, qualifying units attending kickoffs will be eligible to receive additional commission from the Fall product sale.
Included in the door-prizes are: free weekend cabin rentals at each of our beautiful camps - Camp Berry (Scouter & Howard Cabins & Camp Lakota (Admin Building). There will be one of each available for the drawing at each of the kickoffs. So the more unit leaders who attend, the more chances a unit as to win. These range in value from $150-$250 each.
Additionally, a set of Cub Scout Rank books will be given away in each district. These bundles have a retail value of $120. Each unit will also receive added return on their popcorn sale for attending a Membership Training session and a Popcorn Sale session. See popcorn for details.
There will be also some extra surprises planned for leaders who attend, like a drawing for a Scout Shop gift card, and other great giveaways.
All Units should receive a small quantity of basic recruitment flyers to have until they have their Sign-up for Scouting night(s) scheduled. If a unit has information for its Sign-up for Scouting night prior, then that information can be included.
Sample Agenda (times may vary depending on the district plans)
- 7:00 Opening
- 7:05 Announcements, upcoming events, topics of interest, etc.
- 7:15 Featured Presentations, including:
- 8:20 Door Prize Drawings & Closing
Membership Coaching Staff
- Arrowwood District: Rochelle Manley, 567.208.5286,
- Chinquapin District: Jim Mason, 567.226.4961,
- Great Oaks District: Brendan Erwin, 567.208.5903,
- Old Sycamore District: Logan Gigandet, 567.226.4964,
- Council Office: Jim Mason, 567.208.5267,