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ChainSaw Training 2024

ChainSaw Training 2024
Registration Begins
4/30/2024 8:00 AM
Last Day To Register
10/2/2024 11:55 PM
Camp Berry - 11716 County Rd 40
Findlay, OH 45840, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

The Black Swamp Area Council is looking to increase the number of dedicated volunteers and professionals that help us maintain the tree work at our five beautiful camps.  Chainsaw Safety Training is valid for 2 years from date of completion.  If you have an interest in helping cut at any of our camps, or need to recertify, then this is the training for you!

**We will have cabins available for those that are traveling far and want to come in Friday night.**

**The cost is to cover food, gas, and other things needed to maintain our chainsaws**



Operating a chainsaw is inherently hazardous. Proper maintenance, personal protective equipment, and correct technique are critical components of safe chainsaw operation. Potential injuries can be minimized by using proper personal protective equipment and safe operating procedures.


Our Boy Scouts of America properties rely on chainsaws to help clear trails, remove deadfalls, clear timber, and stockpile wood for campfires and heating buildings. To allow for this use, specific guidelines for safety have been adapted for use at all BSA activities. The National Camp Accreditation Program Standards, No. 430-056, require that any person who operates a chainsaw be approved by the Council designee. Chainsaw operators must be at least 21 years old and meet one of the following requirements: be a professional forester with current credentials and liability insurance; be a certified arborist with credentials; have written documentation of training in chainsaw techniques from either (1) a state or federally recognized chainsaw training course approved by the council or (2) the BSA Chainsaw Basic Training Course, No. 430-136.


Get certified to safely operate a chainsaw, fell, limb and buck trees. In addition to the requirements listed above, participants must also:

This roughly 6-hour course will spend a majority of the time outside so make sure to dress weather appropriate.  You may bring your own personal protective equipment (PPE) if you wish, but PPE will be available at camp for participants.  Chainsaw PPE includes: Hard Hat, Eye/Face Protection, Hearing Protection, & Chainsaw Chaps.

NOTE: All Chainsaw Safety Trainees are required to watch the video below before attending the course:

Contact E-mail
$15.00 per Participant
Cancellation Policy
GENERAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO ALL REFUNDS No refunds will be issued for activities where promotion literature states “No refunds”. Deposits are non-refundable. All monies are refundable if the council or district cancels an event. Refund requests for rescheduled events due to weather conditions will be dealt with on an individual basis, partial refunds can be granted after incurred expenses for the event have been taken into consideration. Transferring fees from one person to another within the same unit for the same program is permissible. Fees are not transferable from one event to another. No refund request for any event or facility will be accepted more than 14 days after the conclusion of the event. For resident camps, each session or week is considered a separate event. Any refund granted will be credited back to the source of the original payment. i.e., Credit card back to credit card, check back to checking account, etc. Valid reasons for requesting a refund include: Illness Death in family, or Change in business plans. In no event shall any refund be made for any reason if the cost of the event has not been completely met. If substitution for participation in the event has been secured, then full refund may be made to the individual originally registered. Any refunds granted will be reduced by the cost of any deposit plus the cost of any materials already procured. Refunds will not be made for late arrivals or early departures. All requests for refunds of money must be made in writing to the Black Swamp Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. Supporting receipts must accompany the request.


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356