PICTURED: Members of Scouts BSA Troops prepare for the start of the annual Klondike at Camp Lakota. | Klondike Derby returns to Camp Lakota with nearly 400 participants |
The 2022 Klondike was a day to behold as Black Swamp Area Council Scouts BSA Troops returned to racing for the first time after a two-year hiatus. A patrol from Troop 318 topped the scoreboard with 418 total points, following by Troop 162 with 409 points and Troop 499 with 397.5 points. |
Troop 318 had an impressive day with a first-place and a fifth-place finish. Leading the first-place sled from Troop 318 were Chris Cortez, Nathan Hartzell, Carson Skulina, Christian Branan, Caleb Emerine, Evan Altman, Alex Sayre, and Johnathan Burnett. The sled in fifth place was piloted by Grant Barbee, Nathanial Gregorowicz, Mitchell Hartzell, Lucas Hartzell, Hunter George, Keston Emerine, and Liam Ireland. |
Nearly 400 showed for the day at Camp Lakota for this year’s race. When the start sounded the anticipation quickly turned to joyful excitement as Scouts took off running to their first station. Included in this number was the first female Patrol from Troop 29G to participate in a Black Swamp Area Council Klondike.
Event theming helped guide Scouts with the backstory that they were in search of gold during an race across Alaska in the frozen tundra on sleds pulled by dog teams. Scouts participated as a patrol, running an expedition to simulated towns and solving practical problems using basic Scouting skills.
For more on the Klondike, including how the first girls Troop performed and additional photos, CLICK HERE! |
Scouting for Food door fliers are available upon request through the council's wepage this year. Please complete the survey request form to let us know how many fliers you would like for your Scout group. Deadline for requests is due by Feb. 25 for printing purposes. CLICK HERE for Scouting for Food. | | SILVER BEAVER RECIPIENTS FOR 2021: Join the celebration Feb. 12 as we honor Linda Meyer, Don Brewer, Mike Metzger & Larry Weimert. CLICK HERE for more information!
SCOUTERS CONFERENCE: Annual day of Scouting set for Feb. 12 with annual meeting luncheon and several other key leader meetings. CLICK HERE for a full breakdown of the day! |