***   HIGH PRIORITY   ***         

SUBJECT: Unit charter not finalized by Dec. 15, 2023, deadline

CHARTER STATUS: Renewal Not Initiated

Hello Key Unit leaders,

The deadline for recharters to be finalized was Dec. 15, and as of today, your unit’s annual charter indicates “Renewal Not Started.” Below is information you should know for units having not completing the process by the time of their charter's expiration, Dec. 31. Please completed your unit's renewal at this time.

If you are not planning to renew for 2024 or need assistance, please let your District Commissioner know (contact info below). Please note the following:

What if a Unit Charter is not renewed by the deadline?

When a charter lapses due to late filing, the unit technically does not exist.  This means the unit may suffer several problems if the charter is not submitted in a timely fashion.  First , a unit that does not exist may not conduct meetings, participate in the Klondike Derby, go on campouts, or do any of the things that are Scouting.  Second, the unit is no longer covered by BSA insurance. This means your leaders and chartered partner could be liable in the event of an accident.  In past years there has been a belief that a “grace period” exists.  Please do not rely on this concept.  As a result of the National Council Bankruptcy the Boy Scouts of America are no longer self-insured and our insurance coverage has changed.  Please help to change the thinking that a late charter is “no big deal.”  Third , youth advancements cannot be recorded through the national office of the Boy Scouts of America. This may impact the mandatory time required between certain ranks as well as Eagle Rank applications. Finally, magazine subscriptions of Scout Life and Scouting will lapse (and it takes a full two months for these periodicals to resume their circulation to your home and/or app).

Lastly, because of a known delay caused by using the national online payment optional ACH system or credit card payment, units are urged to complete the online paperwork and then make payment through the council office. The number for the Findlay office is (419) 422-4356. Currently, there are national reports with delays of 30 days in processing online payments.

District Commissioners

For additional information/helps on rechartering, CLICK HERE

(Link to Black Swamp Area Council's webpage for rechartering)