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Campership Applications Now Live!
Applications for camperships are now being accepted for summer camp and NYLT...[Read more]
Important Changes to Membership Card and Charter Certificate Printing Requirements
The BSA is committed to streamlining basic operations by putting tools in the hands of volunteers. For several years now, individuals and unit key 3 have had access to print membership cards through my.Scouting. In addition, functionality will be added to my.Scouting by January 1, 2019, to enable members of the unit key 3 to print their unit Charter Certificate...[Read more]
2019 Summer Camp Directors
Meet our 2019 Cub Scout Camp Directors!...[Read more]
Meet our 2019 Scouts BSA Camp Directors!...[Read more]
2019 Summer Camp Brochures
Is your Pack or Troop thinking about camp yet? View our 2019 camp brochure to find the camp that is right for you!
2019 Scouts BSA Camp Brochure
2019 Cub Camp Brochure
National Youth Leadership Training
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others...[Read more]
Don't Miss the 2019 World Jamboree
The 2019 World Jamboree will be co-hosted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico and will be held at the Summit in West Virginia on July 21-August 2 2019...[Read more]
Expeditions: High Adventure News
See the high adventure base news from the Boy Scouts of America...[Read more]
Safety Moment
As the winter months come to a close, many units are preparing for upcoming campouts. A campout safety checklist will help to ensure these aspects of camping are accomplished while keeping you safe...[Read more]