Coffee & Tea Sale 2023

Black Swamp Area Council Spring Fundraiser Runs March 1 to April 7

There is nothing better than to sip a hot cup of coffee or tea. That is why we are excited about our Spring Coffee & Tea Sale running from March 1 to April 7. This fundraiser allows Scouts to raise support for their Scouting Adventures!

Scout groups will receive a 30% commission on their total sale to help fund summer camp, high adventure treks, or even new equipment!

The sales features Erie Island Coffee Co. offering ground coffee and single-serve cups, and Harney & Sons Master Tea Co. with tea options.

Last year during the inaugural sale, 20 units sold more than $25,000 in coffee & tea.

All Scouts are eligible for prizes and rewards, with any Scout selling $1,800 or more, earning a free week of Summer Camp at a council event this year!

Maximum return for minimal effort. Full Details HERE!

Grounds for the Sale

Participating Scout groups are asked to take the Sale Interest Survey so the council coffee team knows there's potential interest and this allows the unit to request a number of Scout Order Forms, so order forms can be printed and distributed to the unit leadership.

The sale consists of a “Take Order” period beginning March 1, with Scouts taking orders. Participating units will place one order with council and product is expected back a few weeks later for Scouts groups to make deliveries. Prizes will be awarded to the overall top sellers.

This “grounds-breaking” opportunity helps raise support for your unit and Scouts.

A full pot of details have brewed and are ready to serve CLICKING HERE for full details.

Have questions? Contact Jennifer Treece, Development Director at (567) 208-5304 or