There’s still plenty of time to get your sale off the Grounds! The 2022 Coffee & Tea Sale is aimed to help our council Scout groups raise funds for their Scouting adventures this year. Get your unit brewing and sign up today!
You can show your unit’s interest in selling and you can also find the Scout Order Form for easy sharing on social media, Sale Info Sheet, and other important information. CLICK HERE for more!
Simply complete the Interest Survey to receive information on the sale or download the Info Sheet with all the information on the sale. You are not obliged to participate in the sale after completing the survey.
Scouts who sell $1,800 or more earn a FREE week of camp or Scouting experience this year!
Our sale features ground coffee and K-cups from Erie Island Coffee Co. and loose-leaf tea options from Harney & Sons! All coffee and tea varieties are $15.
Your unit will receive a 30% commission on your total sale to help fund summer camp, high adventure treks, or even new equipment! All Scouts who participate in the 2022 Coffee Sale will be eligible for prizes and rewards.
Now through into April you can participate in the sale. Feel free to contact Jim Mason at with any questions.
Find all your sale needs at Coffee & Tea Sale 2022 or