Troop 31 Scout completes Eagle project
Hunter Burton of Troop 31 sponsored by the First United Methodist Church in Van Wert recently completed all Eagle Scout requirements and successfully passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review. He was awarded the Eagle Scout Rank by the National Boy Scouts of America.
Hunter’s Eagle Scout project consisted of purchasing three commercial grade picnic tables requiring assembly and constructing a 20’ x 30’ concrete pad with a handicap ramp in the American Legion Memorial Park at 631 West Main Street in Van Wert.
Hunter was responsible for organizing the project, meeting with the American Legion Board members for approval, obtaining cost for the project and seeking funds to pay of the project. After obtaining the required funds, he had to organize, provide direction and leadership to accomplish the project.
Several Scouts and adults from Troop 31 as well as other adults helped complete the assembly of the picnic tables and required steps in the construction of the concrete pad.
The project was funded through individual donations, fundraising activities, and donated materials from various businesses. The project total cost was $7,804.55 with 514.5 volunteer hours donated. This project has an approximate community service value of nearly $13,800 in service back to the community, based on non-profit figures for hourly wage.
The project benefits the community using the American Legion Memorial Park and the Van Wert American Legion.