Defiance Scout Takes First in Speech Contest at Local Rotary
PICTURED: Life Scout, Ethan Ingle, at far left in colorful tie, with Rotary President Kirstie Mack and two other speech contenders.
April 21, 2022
Life Scout, Ethan Ingle, from Troop 70 in Defiance, Ohio, took first place in the Defiance Rotary Club’s 2022 Four-Way Speech Contest.
The contest, held annually, gives top students from area schools an opportunity to compete for cash scholarship prizes. Each speech in the Four-Way Contest must be more than five, but less than seven minutes long, and can be on any subject matter as long as it adheres to the Four-Way Test principle of Rotary. The Four-Way test is: Of all the things we think, say or do: 1) Is it the truth? 2) Is it fair to all concerned? 3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
When Ethan stood and took his place, he smiled and seemed at ease with speaking to an audience. His crisp appearance, colorful tie, and friendly demeanor reflected that he lives by the Scout Law.
Ethan’s spoke about the need for a Christmas and Holiday festival in downtown Defiance. He talked about how a festival would benefit residents as well as local businesses. He included a holiday festival would build goodwill to potential residents and businesses looking to move to Defiance and would improve the unity of the community.
Littered throughout his speech were comic relief moments about the 70’s and 80’s which knowledge he credited to his parents. Clearly Ethan knew most of his audience was alive during those decades. Among his love for humor, he also pointed out his tie, which shows the symbol of a popular 70’s, 80’s and 90’s rock band.
Ethan is currently a Life Scout from Troop 70 in Defiance, Ohio and attends Defiance High School. He is one of three children of James and Amanda Ingle. He has plans for an Eagle Project to benefit Friends of Independence Dam and is currently considering a kayak launch to enhance visitors’ opportunities for activity at the dam and park.