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Kernel Journal - Sept. 9, 2021

Show & Sell 2.0 orders due Sept. 26

There is going to be an additional Show & Sell Order placed to get more product for Show & Sell efforts. Each Scout unit has until end of day Sunday, Sept. 26, to place its order. Pickup at the warehouse will occur Oct. 8 and/or Oct. 9, depending on your district.

If you unit wants to place a second Show & Sell Order or if you want to place your first order you can do so. If needed, how to place an order can be found on Page 18 of this year’s Popcorn Kernel Guidebook. Please follow the instructions to ensure you have properly submitted your unit’s order.

As you go into place this order be sure to select “Bonus Order” option. At this time, delivery is being coordinated for local distribution.

As always, units participating in the product sort are permitted to take their order home after the entire sort is completed. Remember, there is a 10& return limit on product that can be returned by Oct. 18 to the Scout office, with Oct. 18 also the deadline to place final orders for your unit’s Take Order sale. The final order will be delivered Nov. 5-6.

If you still need to “Commit Your Unit” to sell, you can do so at

Have extra popcorn or need some inventory?

Have extra popcorn? Post this information on the council popcorn Facebook page and find another unit in need. There are many units looking for certain type products and a Unit-to-Unit Transfer can help both groups fill a need. See Page 19 of the Popcorn Kernel Guidebook for details. Until the Show & Sell 2.0 orders arrive, this can be a useful tool to help with your unit’s sale. Not a member of this private Facebook group? Find us at “Black Swamp Area Council Popcorn.”

Limited supply of product available at office

Product currently available from the council service center, as of Sept. 9, 2 p.m. (number of cases): White Cheddar (2); Sweet & Savory Collection (32); Popcorn Corn (27); Salted Caramel (14). If you have a need, contact Kim Davis at to make a request.

Selling locations key to success

Many units are having success at Walmart’s, Lowe’s and local grocery stories with their Show & Sell efforts. Visibility is key, please also consider locations, for example:

  • Streets and roadways with high traffic patterns, like spots used by local produce vendors or food trucks, ensuring your group’s individual safety is a must.
  • your church or charter partner’s parking lot, or lobby after Sunday services
  • local gas stations

Have your Scouts make big signs with readable message to “Support My Scouting,” “Buy Popcorn,” etc.


Door hangers available for free

There are door hangers available for free at the council office, allowing Scouts to go door-to-door selling and if no one answers, put the Scout code on the door hanger and leave it. Available in the Findlay and Lima Scout offices. For Chinquapin District, there’s a limited supply available also. You can print your own at home with the downloadable PDF templet on the council popcorn page.

Table banners available for units

Improve your popcorn sale visibility with a banner for use during Show & Sell. Limited supply available on a first come bases. They are 72-inches by 30-inches (6x2.5 feet). There is no charge for banners. If you are interested, please contact Kim Davis at



Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356