Celebrating our accomplishments and planning for our future.
You are invited to attend our Council Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2022, 12 noon at Northwest State Community College, 22600 State Route 34, Archbold, OH 43502 as a part of our Council’s Scouters Conference. The Annual Meeting will be part of the Council Annual recognition luncheon. Election of Council Members-at-Large and Executive Board Members for 2022-2023 will occur at this meeting. Chartered Organization Representatives, Council Members-at-Large and Executive Board Members, are voting members of the Council for this election.
The following individuals have been appointed to the nominating committee: Sherri Garner Brumbaugh Committee Chair, Mark Miller, John Love, Scott Ball, Thomas Finkelmeier and Keith Eiden.
If you have comments or suggestions for nominations of either Council Members-at-Large or Executive Board Members, please contact Nominating Chairman, Sherri Garner Brumbaugh: sbrumbaugh@garnertrucking.com prior to January 21.
Again, this year the Council Annual Meeting is part the Scouters Conference, which will include a Council Key 3 meeting, Council Coordinated Meeting, Council Recognition Luncheon and Executive Board Meeting. A spouse’s program is being planned in addition. The Council Annual Meeting will take place during the Annual Recognition Luncheon, where this year’s class of Silver Beavers will be presented.
The 2021 Silver Beaver Recipients are:

Don Brewer
Larry Weimert
Linda Meyer
Mike Metzger
As part of the annual meeting program the following will be recognized:
President's award honorees-one from each district
Kitty Freed Community Service Award for the most community service hours per member to Troop 444 Arrowwood District
Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award for Nina Dukes
BSA Distinguished Conservationist Award for Larry Musser
Recent James E. West Fellows
Join us at Northwest State Community College for a day of important Scouting meetings, conferences, and recognition. We are looking forward to accomplishing a great deal in just one day. The conference scheduled includes:
Council/District Key 3 Conference - 8:00 am - 9:15 am
Council Coordinated Meeting - 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Council Recognition Luncheon AND Council Annual Meeting - 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm
Executive Board Meeting - 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Would your spouse be interested in attending the luncheon, but is not interested in attending meetings throughout the morning. Let us know if they would be interested in an optional spouse program. Details inside.