Be Prepared is our Motto.  While there are no current changes in the council’s guidance on how to operate under the Ohio Public Health Advisory System, the council would encourage to make sure you review our current guidelines which can be found at this link.

In being prepare here are “7 tenets of prevention” that you and your Scouts should use as you follow the council’s guidance on how your unit operates. 

  1. Properly wearing a face covering/mask.

  2. Take care of your self – make yourself an inhospitable host for this virus through healthy lifestyle practices. E.g. eating well getting plenty of rest, etc.

  3. Practice social distancing. Keeping at least 6 feet between you and others during interaction.

  4. Wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer throughout the day.

  5. Avoid touching your face unless you have just washed your hands.

  6. Cough or sneeze into your elbow – even when you have a face covering on.

  7. If you are sick – stay at home

Follow the guidance and these tenets will help enable us to hold appropriate Scouting functions during this pandemic. 

The council is looking forward and already planning for Summer Camp 2021, look for more information about summer Camp soon.